Storm Damaged Sydney Trees - Can I Save My Tree?
Winter storms cause tremendous stress and severe tree damage in Sydney, Queensland, Victoria, Melbourne, South Australia, and Western Australia. Obviously, a broken or fallen tree should be removed; but what about a tree that suffers minor Storm Damage Sydney ? How can a homeowner tell if a tree is safe? ASSESSING THE DAMAGE Minor Damage If only the smaller branches are injured, little or no permanent injury is likely to occur. All that is required is cleanup of the broken twigs and branches and perhaps a pruning, crown cleaning or thinning to restore a pleasing shape to the damaged tree. Major Damage Large broken branches, split crotches, removal of bark, and splitting or splintering of the trunk can be caused by strong winds and heavy ice storms. When a tree is severely damaged, the first question that must be answered is: Is the condition of the tree such that keeping it is worthwhile? A professional arborist should be consulted to answer this question. It may be recom...